Monthly Archives: February, 2021

Breeding horses – A mugs game???

February 22nd, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Breeding horses – A mugs game???”

Now that Brexit has actually happened will people look more towards home for their future partners? 

With the current pandemic hampering trips abroad it seems that horse prices in the UK are on the way up. Yet still we see people asking for the ultimate schoolmaster gelding with impeccable temperament, fully integrated sat nav, self cleaning facility and all for under a thousand pounds.  

What is it with these people? I would love a nice Grand Prix schoolmaster to show me the ropes in the competition arena but I’m sure that no one is just going to give me one for a couple of grand 🤷‍♀️ (anyone fancy lending me a GP schoolmaster just drop me an email!!). Anyway back to prices, some of the issue is thoroughbreds coming off the race track and being offered at cheap prices because in the long run it makes sense cost wise. Then we have previous over breeding of random mares and stallions without any consideration of the job that those horses/ponies will do. Then us breeders have had to compete with horse breeding in Europe that is carried out on an industrial scale in some studs with a favourable tax regime. 

In addition the price of a horse or pony hasn’t altered in the ‘general’ market for a number of years. People are charging far more for designer puppies than for a horse or pony. How can this be? 

Anyway for those of you sitting there saying “I’m not paying over two thousand for a horse” consider this.

Cost of getting mare in foal – stud fee £300-£2000 plus insemination costs or mare livery if covered naturally £200-£1000

Veterinary fees for basic foal check, passport and microchip £200

Cost of keeping foal to 4 years – basic field keep, feet trimming, vaccinations and assuming that he/she doesn’t need loads of vet intervention. £3000

Cost of backing – depends on who does it and how long it takes but could be another £2000

So even if you take no account of the cost of the mare in the first place, cost of premises (like does the breeder have a mortgage or to rent) cost of your time,  the horse has cost a minimum of £6200. I have taken a middle line on some of the costs not the top end. 

Did that shock you? Or when you bought your horse did you work it out? Yes I get that there will be economies of scale, some horses live out well and don’t need much feeding but I have cut these costs down. What happens if one of your foals dies, or the mare dies or you get landed with a big vets bill? Again the costs will end up borne by the breeder. So when a breeder is considering the price of a youngster they are factoring in their costs plus the horse’s innate ability and potential for the sport and competition arena. So some may be sold at a loss and others may eke out a profit.

Recently horse prices have started to creep up, and there have been howls of protest across social media with people talking about profiteering. But why should the breeder subsidise your hobby?? Yes your hobby!! 

Anyway how is Brexit going to change life? No hopping across to the continent to buy a ‘cheap’ dutch or German horse because you think that we charge too much over here. The cost of getting a horse across the channel and through the vet checks and paperwork has doubled.  With the pandemic this has also meant that you cant go and view in person at the moment so now British bred horses are starting to look like better value??

We are breeding some outstanding horses for all types of riders and for all budgets to tempt you but you need to get real about what you pay. Pay a fair price and recognise the blood, sweat and tears that the breeder has put into that horse for your benefit. 😍

Fools breed horses for wise men to buy.

Time to Reset?

February 3rd, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Time to Reset?”

It’s that time of year again when people set goals, go on diets, give up alcohol and then forget it all as the year progresses. It is so easy to be fired up with enthusiasm at the start of the year and gradually ‘real life’ impacts your plans and you get bogged down in it all.

So what to do? Is it worth it? 

Currently I am in a process of re-setting. Realistically we have no idea what will happen in the next couple of months so I have re-jigged the training plans for the horses and also the app!!

The focus now goes on sorting out a few training issues ready for PSG/Inter 1 with Denver and Elena, thinking about which level I am going to do a freestyle at and helping my mum get riding fit ready for para competitions. 

Elena and I are working on the canter. She has developed so much in the trot and we now have a collected trot and more variation in the medium and extended paces but the canter seems to have gone back a step. So lots of strengthening work for the canter, heaps of transitions within the pace and travers, shoulder in work. Then the canter pirouettes have been picked apart as I had no control in a full pirouette. Lastly the pesky sometimes late change from right to left is undergoing work, most of that seems related to straightness and also her relaxation and thoroughness. Fingers crossed we are getting more consistent. 

I have ‘pivoted’ as they say in business and I am now entering more online dressage competitions. I found the online experience really ups your game at home. As you have to get a willing volunteer to do the videoing which means I cant be out there for an hour riding the test through numerous times I have to get the horses on the aids and going like they would for a normal competition. The judge feedback is always so helpful and so far absolutely spot on!!

App wise we are updating a few of the versions as new tests have come out or slight revisions have been made. There are also the 2021 rule books to put in ready for when we all get going again. There are loads of other little and not so little projects on their way but I don’t like to say too much until we are ready!!

So I have not set goals as such I prefer to call them outline plans, bit more fluid and dynamic than a fixed goal. What do you think?

Either way I hope you are all managing to keep putting one foot in front of the other, spring is on the way and before you know it the children will be back in school and we will be competing and training again! Lets keep supporting each other and enjoying our horses. Hopefully we will meet soon.